Accountant behind Ponzi scam gets nearly 12 years

HONOLULU – A Maui accountant who led a long-running Ponzi scheme that cost his investors $8 million was sentenced Wednesday to serve nearly 12 years in federal prison without the possibility of parole.

Lloyd Y. Kimura used his business, Maui Industrial Loan and Finance Co., to attract investments since 1986, taking money collected from later customers to pay initial clients. He pleaded guilty in January.

Dressed in a white prison jumpsuit but without handcuffs, the 61-year-old apologized for his crimes.

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done, and I accept the ruling of the court,” Kimura told U.S. District Judge David Ezra.

Kimura, the brother of Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney Jay Kimura, was ordered to repay his 50 victims the $8 million they lost.

His assets amount to only a fraction of the amount he owes, so at least 10 percent of his income must be paid to victims after he’s released from prison, Ezra said.

He was given 11 years, eight months in prison, a sentence on the high end of federal guidelines, which called for a prison term of between 10 years and 12.5 years.

Kimura’s sentence may have been higher if he hadn’t cooperated with authorities to repay his victims and accept guilt, Ezra and Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Sorenson said.

Ezra said Kimura was motivated by “personal greed” when he lost his victims’ life savings and college savings, denying them comfortable retirements and the ability to provide educations for their children.

Maui man sentenced to 12 years for Ponzi scheme

A Maui accountant who led a long-running Ponzi scheme that cost his investors $8 million is being sentenced to serve nearly 12 years imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra handed down the sentence Wednesday against 61-year-old Lloyd Y. Kimura, who previously pleaded guilty.

Kimura, the brother of Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney Jay Kimura, told the judge he’s sorry for his crimes.

Kimura used his business, Maui Industrial Loan and Finance Co., to attract investments since 1986, with money collected by later customers used to pay initial clients.

Kimura was ordered to repay his 50 victims the $8 million they lost.

His assets amount to only a fraction of the amount he owes, so his income will be garnished after he’s released from prison.

Maui man sentenced to 12 years for Ponzi scheme – Hawaii News –

Hawaii County Prosecutors Quit

Friends for Justice learned today that 5 employees in the Hawaii county prosecutors office resigned on or around January 4th.

East Hawaii has 24 prosecutors.

Information is scarce, and no one is talking, but we have reason to believe the majority of resignations may have all been out of the East Hawaii office in Hilo. This corresponds with Hawaii county prosecutor Jay Kimura’s brother Lloyd Kimura pleading guilty to nine counts of bank and mail fraud and theft in a 24 year ponzi scheme involving 50 clients and the theft of over 20 million dollars. That story like this one got no coverage in the local Hawaii county newspapers.

Friends for Justice was in court in Hilo Thursday January 6th in Judge Hara’s court supporting Reverend Nancy Harris’s religious marijuana case. The prosecutor in that case Rick Damerville made reference to an event in the prosecutors office on January 4th in response to the judges inquiry about scheduling a trial date for Reverend Harris. The defendant in the case made inquiries, because her trial was delayed until July and was told Damerville was staying because of an unexpected mass exodus from Jay Kimura’s office. The prosecutor in Rev. Harris’s case (Damerville) had been scheduled to retire in the near future but said he would be staying on indefinitely.

The widespread corruption in Hawaii county government and Mr. Kimura’s refusal to pursue those cases as well as the dead ends in other high profile murder cases like Peter “boy” Kema Jr, and Clayton Larry Alani, may have been too much for some of the employees in the office.

Maui man pleads guilty to Ponzi scheme

A Maui man who previously pleaded guilty to violating state financial securities laws in connection with his operation of a multi-million-dollar Ponzi scheme pleaded guilty in federal court this morning to mail fraud and bank fraud.

As part of his agreement with the federal prosecutor, Lloyd Y. Kimura, 61, of Wailuku, was to turn himself in this afternoon pending sentencing in June.

Kimura pleaded guilty today to four counts of mail fraud, two counts of bank fraud and three counts of theft of employee pension benefits.

“I took money from people I knew and did not pay them back,” he said.

Kimura faces maximum 20-year prison terms for the mail fraud and bank fraud and five-year prison terms for the theft when a federal judge sentences him in June. He faces a mandatory 20-year prison term for securities fraud when a state judge sentences him next month.

State and federal prosecutors have agreed that Kimura will serve his state and federal sentences at the same time in federal prison.

Kimura has agreed that the people who “invested” money with him lost between $7 million and $20 million.

His lawyer, Philip Lowenthal, said the U.S. Bankruptcy Court is doing the accounting to determine exactly how much each investor lost and expects to have a total figure by this summer.

Deal means 20 years in Kimura case

WAILUKU – Wailuku businessman Lloyd Kimura pleaded guilty to four counts of securities violations in 2nd Circuit Court on Tuesday morning.

Circuit Judge Joseph Cardoza accepted a plea agreement by which Kimura will be sentenced to two 20-year terms and two five-year terms, to run concurrently.

However, it was revealed in court that Kimura also plans to enter a plea to as-yet unannounced federal charges in U.S. District Court in Honolulu on Jan. 5.

Cash-only bail of $110,000 was imposed but deferred until Jan. 6, to make it simpler for Kimura to travel to his federal arraignment.

Kimura’s Maui Industrial Loan & Finance Co., also known as Maui Finance, failed this year. He filed for business and personal bankruptcy, listing liabilities of about $23 million.

It took about 40 minutes for Kimura to plead guilty, but he had to speak only a few words: “yes” and “guilty” as Cardoza read through the formalities to make sure he understood the charges and waived his right to have his case presented to a grand jury or to have a trial.

Kimura, 61, spoke in a low, even tone. After it was over, he said he had no comment.

Maui businessman enters guilty plea to securities violations

WAILUKU Wailuku businessman Lloyd Kimura pleaded guilty to four counts of securities violations in 2nd Circuit Court Tuesday morning.

Judge Joseph Cardoza accepted a plea agreement by which Kimura, 61, will be sentenced to up to two 20-year terms and two five-years terms, to run concurrently.

However, it was revealed that Kimura also plans to enter a plea to as-yet unannounced federal charges in U.S. District Court in Honolulu on Jan. 5.

Kimura’s Maui Industrial Finance Co. failed earlier this year. He was charged with making false or misleading financial statements, and with prohibited securities practices — defrauding two couples of amounts exceeding $100,000 each.

businessman enters guilty plea to securities violations – |
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