Media release from www.hawaiisenatemajority.com
The Senate Ad-hoc Committee chaired by Sen. Russell Kokubun is hosting a series of info briefings to address recent proposed changes by the Lingle administration and discuss the potential impact these changes will have on the state.
Gov. Linda Lingle last week announced her plans to layoff approximately 80 percent of Department of Agriculture personnel in an effort to help close a budget deficit.
Many Big Island lawmakers and residents are concerned about the devastating effect this will have on the local agriculture industry.
The announcement followed a news conference Lingle held the week prior during which she announced plans to cut staff and close Kulani Correctional Facility.
In addition to the Big Island meetings, more are scheduled early next week on the island of Oahu.
* Hilo: 5-8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 13 at Aupuni Center – County Conference Room
* Kona: 5-8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, Kealakehe High School Cafeteria
For more information, contact Senator Kokubun’s office at (808) 586-6760.Big Island legislators to host info briefing
Big Island legislators to host info briefing on Kulani Correctional Facility | Hawaii247.org