Analysis of Kava Side Effects Reports Concerning the Liver–Causal relationship cannot be evaluated due to information status

Translation to English by Lindenmaier M and Brinckmann J
31. December 2001

Analysis of hepatotoxic reactions listed by the BfArM (German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)

In six of the reports, the background information is so scarce that a complete evaluation of the case is not possible. In several cases, it is not even clear what type of side effects actually occurred. Reports of this kind can only be used as an argument to improve the pharmacovigilance process; if such kind of ?rumors? persist, these incidences will doubtlessly receive more attention.

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Analysis of Kava Side Effects Reports Concerning the Liver–Causal relationship probable at monograph-conforming dosage

Translation to English by Lindenmaier M and Brinckmann J
31. December 2001

Analysis of hepatotoxic reactions listed by the BfArM (German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)

From the original 32 suspected cases, there are only 4 cases with probable causality to kava that remain after substraction of the double entries, the cases unrelated to kava as well as the improbable or doubtful ones. Of these 4 cases, only one is related to a monograph-conforming dosage regimen (Strahl et al. 1998). The remaining 3 cases should be therefore classified as usages associated with overdosages. In the only kava side effect case associated with recommended use and a somewhat causal certainty, there seems to be an existing relationship to an immunoligical condition in combination with a congentical cytochrom P450-2D6 deficency. A comparable cause could also possibly be related to one case associated with overdosage (IKS-Nr. 2000-0014; see below).

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Analysis of Kava Side Effects Reports Concerning the Liver–Probable cause relationship related to overdosage of kava extract

Translation to English by Lindenmaier M and Brinckmann J
31. December 2001

Analysis of hepatotoxic reactions listed by the BfArM (German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)

In addition to the above mentioned case related to recommended usage (Strahl et al.), there are three cases with a possible causality to kava, associated with non-recommended dosages. One such case can be classified as drug abuse (Kraft et al. 2001).In one case, a contributing immunological reaction and a concurrent cytochrom-P450-2D6 deficiency could be detected (IKS-case 2000-0014). The official justification for a causal relationship in another case (IKS-case 2000-3052) is based on erroneous correlations and should therefore be classified as doubtful.

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Analysis of Kava Side Effects Reports Concerning the Liver–Literature

Translation to English by Lindenmaier M and Brinckmann J
31. December 2001

Analysis of hepatotoxic reactions listed by the BfArM (German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)

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