Hawaii Weekly Crop Weather Report

Here is the PDF file for the *Hawaii Crop Weather* (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending *May 27, 2007*


Please visit http://www.nass.usda.gov/hi/ for more information.USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Agricultural Highlights


Orchards in eastern sections of the island of Hawaii were in fair to good condition. Mostly dry conditions slowed crop progress as soil moisture was slowly depleted. Spraying was required to minimize Black Leaf Streak damage. Oahu orchards were in fair to good condition. Fields in windward locations were in fair condition maintaining light to moderate harvesting as the Banana Bunchy Top virus continued to keep production down. Leeward and central fields continued to make good progress, but were also slowed by light Banana Bunchy Top virus damage. Irrigation levels remained at moderate to heavy levels during the week due to the dry days. Fruit development and ripening continued to make good progress with the sunny days and warmer temperatures.

On the Big Island, depleting soil moisture and sunny days kept orchards in fair condition. Crop progress of younger orchards was slowed by the hot and dry conditions. Spraying was active for insect, disease, and weed control. Orchards on Kauai continued to make fair to good progress during the week. Spraying to contain insect populations continued on a regular schedule and kept infestations manageable.


Head Cabbage
The Big Island?s Waimea crop was in generally good condition. Harvesting of medium size heads was in progress. New plantings made good progress with heavy irrigation. Insect and disease damage was generally light. Weeds were a problem in isolated fields. Maui?s crop continued to progress well despite the warming growing conditions. Overall, the head cabbage crop was in fair to good condition. Insect pressure increased in growing areas and affected lower elevation fields more than the higher elevation fields. Increased irrigation was necessary to minimize stress and allow for continued steady growth. Insect damage was under control in most fields. Planting and harvesting activity was uninterrupted. On Oahu, mealy bugs, Ring Spot virus, and wild pigs were reportedly keeping production lower than anticipated.

Dry Onions
Maui?s crop was in good condition. Weather conditions have been beneficial for the dry onion crop. Growth and development has been good. Average yields have improved mainly due to decreased losses to field defects and increased average bulb size. Active planting and harvesting is expected to continue at a steady rate.


In the Kona Districts of the Big Island, coffee orchards had berries n the green stage of development. Coffee orchards on Kauai made fair progress with some fields not receiving irrigation due to low reservoir levels. Light passing showers at week?s end provided little or no relief for the parched fields.