Hawaii Crop Weather Weekly Report

Here is the PDF file for the Hawaii Crop Weather (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending February 3, 2008.


Please visit the website for more information: http://www.nass.usda.gov/hi/

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514 February 3, 2008

“HAWAII CROP WEATHER” reports are available on our website and also PRINTED weekly. Subscriptions for PRINTED copies are free to those persons who report agricultural data to NASS, upon request and available for $20 per year to all others.

Agricultural Highlights


On the Big Island, mostly cloudy and rain-filled days slowed growth and fruit development during the week. The reduced sunlight also kept temperatures on the cool side. Incidences of Banana Bunchy Top virus remain isolated in the Puna and Kona areas. Overall, orchards in eastern sections of Hawaii County were in generally good condition. Oahu?s banana orchards were in fair condition. Fields in the leeward and central areas of Oahu made fair to good progress. Windward Oahu fields were in fair condition as cloudy conditions and cooler temperatures continued to slow crop progress and reduce yields. Kauai?s orchards were in fair condition. Harvesting was anticipated to remain steady during the coming weeks. Stripped leaves, as well as cooler temperatures and overcast skies, continued to slow crop development and fruit ripening.

Cool, wet conditions slowed orchard growth and fruit development on the Big Island. Orchards in the Puna district remained in fair to good condition. New seedlings established quickly with the high rainfall. Active flowering was evident in most fields, but the heavy rains made fieldwork difficult. Spraying will have to be maintained once the weather clears. Orchards on Oahu were in fair to poor condition. Spraying to control disease and insect infestations remained steady. Kauai?s orchards made fair progress during the week. Acreage for harvest is relatively small, and overall pickings are forecast to remain light. Spraying for disease control was delayed because of inclement weather conditions.


Head Cabbage
Crop progress in Big Island fields slowed this week due to cool temperatures and damp conditions. The crop in Waimea was in fair condition with steady planting and harvesting. Quality of harvested heads was fair to good. The Volcano crop continued to struggle due to rainy weather and cloudy skies. Fieldwork was slowed by the high soil moisture. Maui?s head cabbage crop continued to make low, but steady progress. Cool growing conditions benefited the crop by curbing insect pressure and allowing for quality head development. Some fields had increased incidences of rot probably due to excessive moisture. Overall, the head cabbage crop was in fair to good condition.

Sweet Corn
On the Big Island, fieldwork was interrupted by drenching rains during the week. Prior to this weekend?s heavy showers, seedling growth and establishment was rapid.

On Oahu, gusty winds adversely affected production and quality of fruits in exposed fields during the week. Pickings are expected to be light to moderate, but an increase is expected as new fields reach maturity.

Dry Onion
The dry onion crop continued to make slow progress on Maui. Growth and development was minimal. Some planting activity was noted during the week. Overall, Maui?s dry onion crop was in marginally fair condition.

Other Crops

High soil moisture in the Kona Districts of the Big Island may lead to a flush of flowers in early spring. Seasonal maintenance of orchards continued on selected farms.