Hawaii Weekly Crop Weather Report

Here is the PDF file for the *Hawaii Crop Weather* (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending* August 12, 2007*.


Please visit the website for more information: http://www.nass.usda.gov/hi/

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Agricultural Highlights



Soil moisture in eastern areas of the Big Island was adequate but starting to decrease with the low rainfall. Warmer temperatures boosted growth and the crop was in fair to good condition. Banana Bunchy Top virus incidence remained isolated in the Puna and Kona areas. Oahu orchards were in fair to good condition. Fields in windward Oahu remained in fair condition. Leeward and central fields remained in active harvest with heavy supplies. Heavy irrigation, sunny days, and warm temperatures aided growth. Fields dependent on reservoir water have cut back on irrigation due to water restrictions and conservation efforts. On Kauai, orchards were in fair to good condition. Spraying for insect infestation was on a regular schedule. Controlling the wild pig population, and damage to the crop, was a continuing challenge.


Big Island orchards were in fair to good condition. Soil moisture improved slightly due to windward showers. Spray activity was steady in most orchards for insect and weed control. Young orchards were progressing well. Fruit development and ripening were fair to good on Oahu. High temperatures slowed crop progress. Mealy bugs were mostly under control while Ring Spot virus and wild pig damage kept harvesting lower in some fields. Orchards on Kauai continued to make fair to good progress during the week. Pickings were at moderate levels from several fields in harvest with some new fields in active harvest.


Head Cabbage

On the Big Island, irrigation ensured steady crop progress. The quality of harvested heads was fair to good. Overall, the crop was in fair to good condition. Maui?s crop has been able to tolerate the hot growing conditions relatively well. Increased irrigation and periodic afternoon cloudiness has helped the crop to maintain steady progress and good quality heads. Planting continued to be steady. Insect pressure was present, but for most fields damage has been kept to a minimum with timely spraying. Overall, the crop was in fair to good condition.

Sweet Corn

Island wide moderate to heavy supplies were forecast to be available for the market place. On Oahu, isolated windward fields experienced some growing problems and lowerthan- expected yields. Restricted water use slowed plantings in fields dependent on reservoir sources for irrigation. Other fields with bird and wild pig damage also suffered lowerthan- normal yields. Central Oahu crops were in fair to good condition with some corn ear worm pressure. Plantings in the windward area of the Big Island made good progress. Light showers kept soil moisture adequate, and the crop was in fair to good condition. Young plantings made steady progress.


Overall pickings from Oahu were expected to increase to heavy levels as new fields come into active harvest. Pressure from insect infestation was at moderate levels.

Dry Onions

The crop on Maui continued to make slow but steady progress. Insect pressure remained relatively low and growers were been able control the effect of the feeding by insects in the field. Most fields have been affected by the hot temperatures, and this seems to limit bulb size. Some recently harvested fields had aboveaverage yields mainly due to larger bulb size. Overall, the crop was in fair condition.

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