Maui County today announced a settlement today of a dispute over an environmental impact statement for a proposed stream water treatment plant.
Mayor Charmaine Tavares said the county will “revisit” the study.
Maui Tomorrow and Hui o Na Wai `Eha filed a lawsuit in Maui Circuit Court on June 21, challenging the adequacy of the Waiale Treatment Facility’s study.
The two groups also appealed a decision by the state Commission on Water Resource Management to restore only about one-fifth of the total flow from four streams.
A decision on the appeal is expected to take years and could affect plans for the Waiale plant, so the county has decided to take another look at the proposed project, county officials said.
Hui o Na Wai `Eha President John Duey said his group was glad the county agreed to carefully examine the costs and benefits of the treatment facility.
A&B Properties Inc., which developed the study, said the firm will continue to support the county’s effort to find water for residents.
Maui County settles lawsuit over stream water treatment plant – Hawaii News –