Uaka Kava of Hilo Hawaii have recently restocked ‘Awa (Kava Kava) powder they make from the dried fresh root of the Mahakea variety grown on the Big Island. This powder is for sale on their website:
There still continues to be a shortage of fresh root due to the disruption in planting caused by BfArM (German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices) erroneously linking fresh ‘Awa root to liver damage in 2001. This was subsequently disproved by UH Scientists:
A team of University of Hawai’i scientists may have solved the mystery of why some Europeans who used products containing kava extract suffered severe liver damage, prompting a number of nations to ban sales of the herbal supplement.
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There have actually been reports of health benefits from using ‘Awa root:
American Association for Cancer Research
Fiji Times
When the supply is normal Uka Kava makes dried fresh root powder processed from these varieties:
‘Awa Hanakapi ‘ai
‘Awa Hiwa
‘Awa Honokane Iki
‘Awa Kumakua
‘Awa Mahakea
‘Awa Mapulehu
‘Awa Pana’ewa
‘Awa Mo’i
‘Awa Nene
‘Awa ‘Opihikao
‘Awa Papa ‘Ele’ele
‘Awa Papa Kea
‘Awa Papa’ Ele’ele Pu’upu’u
During fresh root shortages Uka Kava offers their “Hang Loose Instant Kawa” product which many people prefer anyway due to ease of preparation.
Uka Kava also has a Woodworking Division which produces bowls and other objects made from exotic local woods such as Koa, Milo, Pride of India (China berry), and Norfolk pine.