MALP Educational MeetingFree to the public

Date: Tuesday May 24, 2011
Place: Maui Community Service Bldg
next to CTHAR Extension Services (Map) on the UH Maui campus.
Time: Pupus will be served at 6:30 pm and the talk will begin at 7:00.
Submitting a Successful Farm Plan for County of Maui Ag Zoning Requirements
by Tracy Stice, Broker in Charge, Hawaii Life Real Estate Services
Many have found the requirements by the County of Maui for a Farm Plan intimidating and confusing. Our speaker, Tracy Stice will introduce the Farm Plan and share his experience of successfully completing four plans himself.
Tracy has been actively involved in the real estate business as a Real Estate Broker on Maui for over 30 years. One of his specialties is in the buying and selling of agriculturally zoned properties in the Upcountry and Haiku area. He is passionate about farming and sustainability.
As part of his talk, he will use his Maliko Farm as an example of successfully implementing a farm plan.