Horticultural supplies for Hawaii's golf courses, resorts, landscapers, nurseries, and farms.Hawaii Grower Products on Maui is having a special limited time sale of Perfect Blend 444 Organic Fertilizer regularly $24.50 per 50 pound bag now only $14.50.
Hawaii Grower Products
400 Lehuakona St
Kahului, HI 96732
fax : 808 871 5432
email : info@hawaiigrowerproducts.com
Call HGP on Maui NOW at 877-6636 for more details.
Hana Highway Fruit Market-Haiku Maui
Creative entrepreneurial efforts deliver Maui Agricultural products directly into the hands of the neighborhood community and also tourists traveling to Hana. In addition to traditional items such as Maui Gold Pineapple, banana, and avocado the Hana Highway Fruit Market provides exotic fare such as loquat and lychee.
Hawaii State-wide Assessment of Forest Conditions Trends
The Hawaii SWARS team will be hosting a session at the Hawaii Conservation Conference2009 Hawaii Conservation Conferencethat will be open to the public (for free!). We will be showing our data sets, maps, and methodology for producing the Hawaii Statewide Assessment of Forest Conditions.
July 28-30, 2009
Hawai‘i Convention Center
Honolulu, HI More info . . .
Here is the PDF file for the Hawaii’s Seed Crop Industry: Current and Potential Economic and Fiscal Contributions report.
Please visit the website for more information: http://www.nass.usda.gov/hi/
Hawaii’s Seed Crop Industry
Contact Information:
Mark E. Hudson, Director
USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
The research objective of this study is to update our 2006 study of the Hawaii seed crop industry’s economic and fiscal contributions to the State of Hawaii. To this end we have provided:
• Background information about the technology used by the industry locally and internationally,
• Details of Hawaii’s seed crop industry with comparisons to other Hawaii sectors and subsectors,
• The economic contributions of the seed crop industry.
Our primary research conclusion is that Hawaii’s seed crop industry makes significant ever increasing economic and fiscal contributions to the state’s economy generally, and most particularly simultaneous contributions to the agriculture, life sciences and high technology subsectors. In so doing, the Hawaii seed crop industry generates various positive externalities to the state, the value of which has not been assessed in this study. Seed crop industry economic contributions to the state should continue to increase given anticipated industry investments in Hawaii, which will assist achievement not only of economic policy objectives but other objectives as well, the various positive side effects of this industry operating in Hawaii.
Click for pest control tipsHawaii avocado production is estimated at 1.0 million pounds for the 2008/09 season, down 14 percent from the previous season. A 6 percent decline in harvested acreage to 330 acres and a 9 percent drop in average yields to 3,000 pounds per acre contributed to the overall lower harvest.
Avocado growers noted that uneven rains and the overall dry weather were major factors for the lowering yields during the 2008/09 season.
Farm price reaches record high
Hawaii avocado growers received an average a record high 73.0 cents per pound for the 2008 harvest, 7 percent higher than the previous season’s average farm price of 68.0 cents per pound.
California’s harvest lowest since 1979/80 season
California, which produces almost 78 percent of the U.S. total, suffered its lowest avocado harvest in 29 seasons (see next page). California’s 2008/09 harvest was hurt by record high heat last June which damaged the fruit that was beginning to mature on trees. Average farm prices, however, rose to a sixseason high of $2,000 per ton.
This is the sweetest, best tasting, Pineapple in the world.
Grown on Maui by Hali'imaile Pineapple Co.
Please buy this product!!! PRIDE IN ISLAND!!! Small business grants in Hawaii are somewhat tough to come by just like everywhere else. However, there are eleven federal government agencies that do have grant funding for small businesses depending on what you are trying to accomplish with your business. These eleven federal government agencies reserve some grant money and they have research and development topics that will accept proposals. Small business owners or people looking to start a small business in Hawaii may want to look in these areas for grant funding. In this article I am going to list a couple of these agencies and give a brief overview of what they deal with so that you can see if it would apply to your small business in Hawaii.
The Department of Agriculture in Hawaii has current concerns that Hawaii is currently importing about eighty-five percent of the food that is consumed in Hawaii. They would like to increase the self sufficiency of Hawaii. If you were looking at starting a farm that would assist in this concern it may assist you in receiving a grant. Under the department of Agriculture you will also find information you can find grants for rural development. The Small Business Innovation Research Program grant is another possibility for one that wants a small business grant in Hawaii that will be dealing with various science based business.