Monthly Hawaii Vegetable Report 08-13-09

Click Here for the PDF for the Monthly Hawaii Vegetable Report.

Please visit the website for more information:

Contact Information:
Mark E. Hudson, Director
USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512

Office: (808) 973-9588 / (800) 804-9514
Fax: (808) 973-2909

“MONTHLY HAWAII VEGETABLE” reports are available on our website and also PRINTED monthly. Subscriptions for PRINTED copies are free to those persons who report agricultural data to NASS (upon request) and available for $4 per year to all others.


Chinese cabbage production totaled an estimated 344,000 pounds in June 2009, a decrease of 34 percent and 28 percent from May 2009 and June 2008, respectively. Fewer acreage for harvest along with lower yields accounted for the drop in production from a month earlier and a year ago. Spraying was necessary to help maintain control of insect infestation. Although temperatures were warm, the crop was still rated in fair to good condition.

Head cabbage growers harvested 945,000 pounds during June 2009, an increase of 1 percent and 27 percent from the previous month and a year earlier, respectively. The slight increase in production from May was the result of more acreage for harvest offsetting the drop in yield. Better yields along with an increase in acreage for harvest accounted for the higher production from a June 2008. Crop condition was rated fair to good.

Sweet corn production totaled 253,000 pounds in June, 16 percent lower than May 2009, but 16 percent higher than June 2008. The drop in production from May was the result of less acreage available for harvest, while the increase in production from June a year earlier was because of more acreage for harvest. Crop condition was rated fair to good.

Cucumber producers harvested 434,000 pounds in June 2009, a decrease of 7 percent and 15 percent from May 2009 and June 2008, respectively. Lower yields accounted for the decrease in production from both months as the acreage available for harvest was unchanged. The crop was in fair to good condition.

Dry Onions marketings totaled 154,000 pounds for June 2009, a decrease of 49 percent and 33 percent from May 2009 and June 2008, respectively. The crop was in fair to good condition.

Green Onions production was estimated at 125,000 pounds, an increase of 15 percent and 8 percent from May a month earlier and June a year ago, respectively. The crop was rated to be in fair to good condition.

Hawaii Crop Weather Weekly Report

Here is the PDF file for the Hawaii Crop Weather (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending October 28, 2007.


Please visit the website for more information:

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Agricultural Highlights


Steady rain later in the week saturated most fields in windward areas of the Big Island. Most orchards were in good condition, and field work was only slightly hampered by the wet conditions. Banana Bunchy Top virus incidence remained isolated to the Puna and Kona areas. Oahu orchards were in good to fair condition. Leeward and central orchards were in good condition. Moderate to heavy irrigation levels prevailed as showers were not enough for irrigation. However, overcast conditions decreased the plant?s water needs. Windward Oahu fields were in fair to good condition with light supplies. Overall harvesting on Oahu was expected to be at moderate to heavy levels as the shorter day length and slightly cooler temperatures have slowed ripening. Kauai?s orchards were in fair to good condition. Overcast skies and cooler temperatures slowed fruit ripening slightly.

On Oahu, fruit development and ripening were fair to good. Overcast skies and shorter day length were affecting the crop. Orchards on Kauai made fair to good progress during the week. Pickings continued at moderate to light levels from several fields in active harvest. Big Island orchards were in fair to good condition. Soil moisture was high due to almost daily rainfall in the Puna area. Young orchards continued to develop, and seedlings were growing rapidly. Flowering was continuous. Virus problems still plagued selected fields in Puna and some heavily infested areas appeared to be abandoned.


Chinese Cabbage
On the Big Island, weeds were still competing with the crop in selected fields. Planting and field activities were steady. Heavy irrigation was needed to maintain crop progress. Overall, the Big Island crop was in fair to good condition.

Head Cabbage
On Oahu, harvesting is anticipated to be light. Insect infestation was light with regular spraying keeping good controls. On the Big Island, weed growth was still competing with the crop in selected fields. Planting and field activities were steady. Heavy irrigation was needed to maintain crop progress. Overall, the Big Island crop was in fair to good condition.

Sweet Corn
Windward and central Oahu fields continued to make good progress under fair weather conditions and heavy irrigation. Production is forecast to be at moderate to heavy levels for the upcoming week. Corn plantings in windward areas of the Big Island received a boost in growth when relatively dry conditions were relieved by this week?s rain. The added soil moisture and mostly sunny days boosted growth of young seedlings. Harvesting was mostly for on-island sales.

On Oahu, pressure from insect infestation was at light to moderate. Harvesting was active in several fields, and overall production levels are expected to be moderate to heavy.

Hawaii Weekly Crop Weather Report

Here is the PDF file for the *Hawaii Crop Weather* (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending* August 26, 2007*.


Please visit the website for more information:

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Agricultural Highlights


Orchards in windward areas of the Big Island made good progress. Soil moisture was adequate. Warm sunny conditions provided a boost to growth of both young and established mats. Fields in windward Oahu remained in fair condition maintaining light to moderate harvesting. Leeward and central fields were in active harvest with heavy supplies. Irrigation was being maintained at a heavy rate. On Kauai, orchards were in fair to good condition. Spraying for insect infestation was on a regular schedule.

Orchards in the lower areas of the Big Island?s Puna District experienced ideal conditions for crop progress. Light showers mixed with mostly sunny skies and warm temperatures boosted growth of young orchards and kept flowering steady in mature orchards. Overall fruit development was good. On Oahu, fruit development and ripening were fair to good with the warm temperatures slowing crop progress. Mealy bugs were mostly under control while Ring Spot virus and wild pig damage lowered harvesting in some fields. Last week?s wildfire on Oahu?s North Shore caused some orchards to burn as well as damaging some irrigation systems. Orchards on Kauai continued to make fair to good progress during the week. Pickings were at moderate levels from several fields with some new fields boosting available supplies. Vegetables

Chinese Cabbage
The Waimea crop on the Big Island was in fair to good condition. Dry conditions in Lalamilo required heavy irrigation for normal crop progress. Disease and insect damage were generally light. Warm temperatures boosted weed populations in any fields.

Head Cabbage
Heavy irrigation was needed for Waimea farms on the Big Island. Spray schedules kept insect pressure down. Overall crop conditions were fair to good condition. The Volcano crop showed improvement due to added soil moisture and sunny skies.

Sweet Corn
Windward Oahu fields made good progress with the sunny and dry weather during the week. Harvesting was very active with increasing pickings. Restricted water use has slowed plantings and production in fields dependent on reservoirs. Central Oahu crops were in fair to good condition with light corn ear worm problems. Showers in eastern sections of Hawaii Island kept soil moisture adequate and improved germination rates. Sunny skies helped boost plant growth and ear development.

Other Crops

Big Island orchards in the Puna and Kona Districts generally received adequate rainfall for cherry development and flowering. Ka`u orchards were drier but made fair progress. Kauai orchards were in good condition with harvesting slated to begin this coming week. Sunny days and drying winds have increased irrigation needs. Water supplies were adequate for current irrigation needs. Of growing concern are decreasing reservoir levels while rainfall has been too light to sustain or raise the levels.

The Monthly Hawaii Vegetable Report

Here is the PDF file for the *Monthly* *Hawaii Vegetable* Report.


Please visit the website for more information:

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Drought-like Conditions Along Leeward Sectors

The month of July continued to experience very warm, sunny conditions. Trade winds persisted mostly at moderate levels during the month. The passing of a weak shear line between July 14 and 16 only intensified these trades. The trade winds were momentarily interrupted with the passing of Tropical Depression Cosme on July 20 and 21. These trade winds provided near to above normal rainfall totals to many windward sectors of the State. Tropical Depression Cosme, on the other hand, provided increased precipitation to the east and southeastern sectors of the Big Island. In general, leeward sectors of all islands continued dry and under drought conditions. This ongoing dry spell along leeward areas has resulted in mandatory water restrictions for agricultural or residential areas of the Waimanalo area of Oahu, upcountry of Maui, and the Hamakua and South Kohala districts of the Big Island. Although some crops have benefited from the hot, dry weather during July, many other crops have suffered; as a result, crop condition was rated only fair.

The expected vegetable acreage for harvest in August when compared with acreage harvested in July was lower for 7 crops, higher for 2 crops, and unchanged for 2 crops. An increase in acreage for harvest is expected from snap beans (+10%) and sweet corn (+61%). A decrease in the acreage for harvest is expected for Chinese cabbage (-8%), head cabbage (-28%), mustard cabbage (-11%), cucumbers (-11%), dry onions (-42%), and romaine (-22%), while the expected acreage for harvest were unchanged for head lettuce, semi-head lettuce.

July Review

Tomato Production Below Year Ago

Chinese cabbage production total 514,000 pounds during July 2007. This was 12 percent below June 2007, but 28 percent above July 2006. The increase in production from a year ago resulted from an increase in yields and acreage for harvest. Crop conditions on the island of Hawaii were mixed as heavy irrigation was necessary to offset the windy, dry, and very warm conditions. Some farmers experienced heat rot losses.

Head cabbage producers produced an estimated 945,000 pounds in July. This was 11 percent and 1 percent below the previous month and a year ago, respectively. The decrease in production was the result of fewer acres available for harvest. Crop yield was below a month earlier, but better than the previous year. When possible, heavy irrigation was necessary to offset the very warm, dry conditions and to keep the crop in fair condition. Insect infestations were becoming a problem in some fields along with the production of smaller and lighter heads.

Cucumbers growers harvested an estimated 438,000 pounds in July. This was 14 percent and 20 percent below June 2007 and July 2006, respectively. The decline in production resulted from lower yields which was the result of the moderate winds and dry conditions.

Tomato growers produced an estimated 1.3 million pounds in July. This was 13 percent and 22 percent below June 2007 and July 2006, respectively. Although the very warm, dry conditions during July helped to maintain the tomato crop in fair to good condition, the decrease in production from the previous month can be attributed to lower yields.

Hawaii Weekly Crop Weather Report

Here is the PDF file for the *Hawaii Crop Weather* (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending* August 20, 2007*.


Please visit the website for more information:

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Agricultural Highlights


Soil moisture in windward orchards of the Big Island was good, and the crop was in generally good condition. Mostly sunny days and scattered showers during the week were beneficial for fruit development and orchard condition. Banana Bunchy Top virus incidences remained isolated in the Puna and Kona areas. Oahu orchards remained in fair to good condition.

Big Island orchards were in fair to good condition. Soil moisture increased to more satisfactory levels in most orchards. Active flowering was occurring in most fields. Harvest and spray activities were active.


Chinese Cabbage
The Big Island?s Waimea crop continued to make steady progress. Planting was heavy in selected fields, and irrigation was necessary due to windy conditions. Excessive weeds in some fields were noticed. Quality of harvested heads was fair to good.

Head Cabbage
The crop in the Waimea area of the Big Island was in generally good condition. Light insect damage was noticed on outer leaves. Irrigation and light showers aided normal crop progress. The crop in Volcano made good progress. Maui?s head cabbage crop continued to make steady progress. Insect pressure ranged from low to moderate with minimal damage in most fields. Steady planting and harvesting occurred during the week. Overall quality of the crop was good.

Sweet Corn
Plantings in windward areas of the Big Island made good progress. Planting and field preparations were aided by good weather conditions. Passing showers and warm temperatures helped boost growth in windward fields. Young plantings made steady progress.

Dry Onions
On Maui, planting was active as farmers prepared for the fall crop. Maintenance on young fields continued through the hot growing conditions. Older fields were being encouraged to develop larger bulb sizes. Overall average yields were lower than a year ago. The dry onion crop was in fair condition.

Production from hydroponic greenhouses in the County of Hawaii was steady. Vines were in generally good condition. Fruit quality and yields were good. Puna greenhouse vines also made steady progress due to warmer temperatures and generally drier conditions.

Hawaii Weekly Crop Weather Report

Here is the PDF file for the *Hawaii Crop Weather* (crop progress and condition) Report for the week ending *July 8, 2007*


Please visit the website for more information:

USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
1-800- 804-9514

Agricultural Highlights


Orchards in windward areas of Hawaii island were in fair to good condition. Warm temperatures and good soil moisture were ideal for growth. Field activities remained normal. Banana Bunchy Top virus incidences remained isolated in the Puna and Kona areas. Oahu orchards were in fair to good condition. Fields in windward Oahu remained in fair condition. Leeward and central area fields were experiencing a seasonal upswing. Irrigation levels were at heavy levels during the week because of the dry weather. Kauai?s orchards were in good to fair condition.

Orchards in the Puna area of the Big Island were in fair to good condition. Warm, humid conditions with abundant sun boost growth in most orchards. Soil moisture was adequate, and field activities continued on a normal schedule. New plantings made good progress. On Oahu, fruit development and ripening were good with the increased day length and sunny and dry weather conditions. Mealy bugs were mostly under control while Ring Spot virus kept lowered production in some fields. Orchards on Kauai continued to make fair to good progress during the week. Spraying to contain the insect population was stepped up during periods of calm weather to contain an increase in infestation.


Chinese Cabbage
The Big Island?s Waimea crop continued to make steady progress. Irrigation was regular and heavy to maintain crop progress in the Puukapu and Lalamilo farm lots. Conditions in the Volcano area were ideal for crop development.

Head Cabbage
The Big Island?s Waimea crop was in generally good condition. Heavy irrigation was required to keep crop progress normal. The Volcano crop improved as soil moisture was adequate and days were sunny. On Oahu, some fields were abandoned to control the increasing pressure from the diamondback moth infestation.

Semi-head (Manoa) Lettuce
On Oahu, planting remained steady, however, crop progress was slowed by the high temperatures and drying winds. Moderate to heavy insect infestation and some disease damage continued to lower yields. Spraying to control insects remained active. Planting on Kauai remained light but steady with fair plant progress.

Dry Onions
Maui?s crop was being challenged by continuous dry and warm conditions. The lack of rainfall has eliminated the threat of rot, but the overall dry conditions were detrimental for crop progress. Bulb size has decreased. The overall crop was in fair condition.

Sweet Corn
Fields in the windward areas of the Big Island benefited from passing showers and sunny conditions. Seedling growth was steady and rapid. Planting and harvesting were steady. On Oahu, favorable weather conditions allowed the plants to make good progress with heavy supplies available from central Oahu fields. There were some reports of light worm damage during the week. Isolated windward fields experienced some growing problems which were expected to slow harvesting.