Here is the PDF file for the annual Hawaii Guavas Report.
Please visit the website for more information:
Contact Information:
Mark E. Hudson, Director
USDA NASS Hawaii Field Office
1421 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
Office: (808) 973-9588 / (800) 804-9514
Fax: (808) 973-2909
“HAWAII Guavas” reports are available on our website and also PRINTED annually. Subscriptions for PRINTED copies are free to those persons who report agricultural data to NASS (upon request) and available for $2 per year to all others.
HAWAII?S 2006 UTILIZED GUAVA PRODUCTION WAS PEGGED AT 7.4 MILLION POUNDS, 9 percent lower than 2005, according to USDA, NASS, Hawaii Field Office. Weather conditions were mixed for guava production during 2006. Six weeks of heavy rainfall from late February thru March resulted in slow fruit maturation in many orchards. Field operations were curtailed during the wet weather.
ACREAGE DEVOTED TO GUAVA PRODUCTION TOTALED 575 ACRES, 14 percent less than the previous year. Harvested area was estimated at 365 acres, 41 percent fewer than 2005. The average farm price for fruit utilized mainly for processing was estimated at 14.2 cents per pound, 2 percent (0.3 cent) more than the previous year. Statewide farm value totaled $1.1 million, 7 percent lower than 2005.
U.S. IMPORTS OF SELECTED GUAVA PRODUCTS IN 2006 were mixed from a year ago (see page 4). Guava paste and puree were down 19 percent to 7.7 million pounds (3,514 metric tons). Brazil, accounted for nearly 44 percent of the paste and puree imports.
Prepared or preserved guava imports increased 5 percent from the previous year to 14 million pounds (6,346 metric tons). Ecuador and Dominican Republic supplied over 50 percent of these imports into the U.S.
Imports of guava jam were up 13 percent to 2.0 million pounds (913 metric tons). Costa Rica and Brazil accounted for 79 percent of the guava jam total.